Bachelor of Science - Earth Sciences
Progression Summary
program description
students will get an opportunity to learn about the fascinating and complex world under their feet by exploring topics such as geology, geophysics, geochemistry, and hydrogeology.
in its four-billion-year-old history, the earth has changed – sometimes slowly (such as mountain building) and sometimes with violent and sudden transformations that can be devastating (such as a meteorite impact). in earth sciences students will learn about the make up of the planet, from rocks and soil to water and the effects of climate change. everyone depend upon resources that come from the earth, such as minerals, oil, organic materials, gases and water. who finds these hidden and valuable resources is a geoscientist.
students will dig deep with their choice of specialization: geology, geophysics, or hydrogeology. and students who are up for it, they can apply their knowledge through the paid work experiences co-op offers.
when students graduate, they will be eligible for a professional geoscientist designation — and be ready to develop meaningful environmental protection plans, predict natural disasters, advance health standards for water, and more.

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