Architecture RIBA Part 2 MArch (Hons)

University of Dundee
Provided by: ucas

Progression Summary

architecture riba part 2 at dundee is for students who have completed their riba part 1 exams at another university. dundee is an ideal location to study architecture due to its creative reputation and ambitious city regeneration. you will gain essential knowledge and skills in design, communications, architectural history and theory, and sustainable technology. as we share many resources with the university's art school, you will benefit from excellent facilities and workshops, a highly creative atmosphere, and our vibrant studio culture. design tutorials and the majority of learning takes place in the architecture studio. you’ll be encouraged to work in a ‘hands-on’ way developing and testing your ideas through manual and digital drawings, models and prototypes. you’ll work in small studio groups and on a one-to-one basis with experienced tutors, who are usually registered architects, providing a supportive learning environment. you will have the opportunity to join study visits and exchanges, experiencing world class architecture. since 2018 our students have had opportunities to work, study or compete in edinburgh, hannover, london, mainz, paris, shanghai, sydney, tongi, venice, vicenza, and wuhan.


Start Date


Tuition fees

95,471 .SAR


We help students join any of the following scholarship programs provided by the ministry of education by completing their registration,