Archaeology/Economics (SocSci)

University of Glasgow
Provided by: ucas

Progression Summary

**archaeology** is the study of how people in the past interacted with their world, through a detailed study of their objects, sites, monuments and landscapes. you will have the opportunity to gain practical fieldwork skills in the uk and also abroad. recent students have worked in the baltic states, cyprus, finland, france, germany, greece, iceland, italy and portugal. **economics:** in studying economics you will learn how individuals and society make choices about how scarce resources are used, what products are produced and who gets to consume them. these choices depend on evaluating costs, benefits, risks and effects on others. economics at glasgow dates back to adam smith, who was a professor at the university in the 18th century and is widely renowned as the father of modern economics. triple-crown accreditation puts the adam smith business school in the top league of international business schools.


Start Date


Tuition fees

Not found

leaving certificate - ordinary level (ireland) (first awarded in 2017)


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