Applied Translation

University of Strathclyde
Provided by: ucas

Progression Summary

this course - a partnership with the middle east university in amman, jordan – allows students with existing arabic-english language skills to further their understanding of how to translate to a professional level. the nature of the course means that you'll take part in simulated real-world translation tasks across different specialised domains e.g. business, tourism, science and journalism. in so doing, you'll build a toolkit of best practices and strategies for translation, while also developing a range of intercultural communication skills valued in the working world more broadly. the course includes hands-on training in trados, industry-leading computer-assisted translation software, through the rws campus scheme. practical components are also complemented by applied translation theories, which in turn can serve as a basis for further doctoral study. designed with graduate employability at its centre, the course will prepare you for a career in and beyond the language service provider industry.


Start Date


Tuition fees

98,440 .SAR


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