Advanced HEMS Practice

Bangor University
Provided by: ucas

Progression Summary

recent developments in prehospital care and retrieval medicine within the uk have led to the creation of unique roles for prehospital practitioners, involving advanced practice beyond that offered by traditional responders (for example, ambulance and paramedics.)the aim of this programme is to provide a robust academic framework for individuals who are training to become an advanced practitioner in rotary aviation medicine. the course covers both prehospital care and retrieval, including the management of critically ill patients requiring level 3 inter-hospital transfer. it is intended for experienced healthcare professionals who wish to formalise and develop their practice, and will require learners to develop within credible practice settings. the course is intended to be challenging, and will require learners to demonstrate proficiency in targeted clinical assessment, rapid diagnostics, therapeutics, and clinical management in the prehospital environment. in addition, learners will require to be proficient in assisting with the management of level 3 patients, which means a need to demonstrate knowledge and skills in invasive ventilation, invasive haemodynamic monitoring and support, and interpretation of investigations.


Start Date


Tuition fees

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