Progression Summary
study a creative, studio-focused course with a strong commitment to design research. as part of this course you’ll: • gain an internationally transposable, professional-level architectural education • put the design studio centre stage in your studies • be challenged to develop solutions to a series of architectural design problems • take an individual approach to architecture as you explore your personal interests in relation to city, regional, national and global design perspectives our learning environment you’ll have access to studio space for individual and group projects. facilities include: • parallel motion boards • flip-top drawing boards • 3d printers • laser cutters study a wide range of topics you’ll explore topics including: • historical and philosophical thought • contemporary conditions of urban inhabitation • challenges to a sustainable ecology • the ramifications of modern technology see examples of work from previous students by visiting the leeds school of arts festival site or our 2019 research yearbook; volume 1, volume 2, volume 3, volume 4 and volume 5. industry links the school is closely linked to professional societies, such as leeds society of architects, west yorkshire society of architects and riba yorkshire region. guest lectures you’ll have access to the leeds school of arts inside/out lecture series that brings together some of the most exciting names from the fields of art, architecture, design, fashion, film, music, performing arts and beyond. you can catch up on previous lectures by visiting the leeds arts research centre site. you'll also have the opportunity to attend events being held as part of the leeds school of architecture open lecture series and symposia. your academic community you’ll join a vibrant environment for architectural debate. you’ll study with a diverse body of leading practitioners, academic educators and visiting professors who will provide a wide range of opportunities for discussion and engagement.

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