Agriculture with Business Management
Progression Summary
the bsc agriculture with business management degree at aberystwyth university is designed to meet the strong demand for graduates who want to develop a firm understanding of both agriculture and business management and will provide you with expert training in business management to complement your study of agriculture. bsc agriculture with business management will provide you with a thorough grounding in practical skills and theoretical knowledge in both farming and commerce. this degree is appropriate for applicants with little or no farming background as well as those who already have knowledge of agriculture, since it provides a firm grasp of agricultural systems alongside the principles and practices of business. you will benefit from teaching by expert staff from aberystwyth business school, as well as the farm business survey for wales, the most authoritative source of financial information on farming businesses. the farm business survey is a tool which will be invaluable in your future employment situation, allowing you to compare your farm’s performance and profitability to other farms in the uk and eu. aberystwyth is surrounded by a great diversity of farmland and agricultural terrain. the 800 hectare commercially managed university farms provide the setting for your practical learning. this is supplemented by field visits to farms and agricultural and food businesses that are industry leaders in innovation and technical expertise, which will reinforce your academic learning. the combination of knowledge and skills that this degree offers is much sought after by agri-business employers and a number of other professions, including advisory and consultancy services and farm and estate management, as well as agricultural financing. this is also an excellent qualification for a career in other businesses such as in the rapidly growing agri-food sector.

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