Actuarial Science

University of Strathclyde
Provided by: ucas

Progression Summary

the msc in actuarial science at strathclyde has been developed to give students wishing to move into the actuarial profession a strong foundation in the statistical concepts, models and techniques used in actuarial calculations, their computer implementations, and the financial and economic contexts of these calculations. the programme is an innovative cross-faculty alliance between the strathclyde business school and the faculty of science. the course is designed so that students with a strong aptitude for mathematics and statistics, but who have not studied these topics in detail in their undergraduate degree, can gain the necessary skills to move into the financial industry. it's intended as a conversion course, teaching material in statistics, economics and finance, and does not currently include specialist actuarial mathematics content (which will be studied in the actuarial professional examinations). our actuarial science masters produces graduates well equipped to apply for trainee actuary positions. students reaching a sufficiently high level in core classes will be eligible for exemption from two of the professional examinations of the ifoa, namely cs1 and cb2.


Start Date


Tuition fees

146,162 .SAR


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