Accounting and Finance/Economics

Aberystwyth University
Provided by: ucas

Progression Summary

accounting and finance with economics focuses on the impact of choice on the production, distribution and consumption of resources through microeconomics and macroeconomics - which analyses choice at the individual level or the economy. at aberystwyth, we focus on the practical application of economic ideas, knowledge and methods within the context of professional decision-making situations. studying accounting and finance with economics will enable you to enjoy the benefits of both subjects giving flexibility for your future. **why study accounting and finance with economics?** our degrees are accredited by the following bodies: **acca, cima, icaew, cipfa, cii, icas.** this programme will help fast-track your accountancy career by giving you exemptions from key professional examinations. upon studying this course, you will have the opportunity to explore business economics themes such as the creation of employment, inflationary pressures, international trade issues, the process of business competition, innovation and growth, the development of third-world countries, the protection of natural resources and government policy-making. the financial element of this course will provide you with the skills set to successfully and effectively deliver and communicate technical and quantitative aspects of economics. you will be taught and mentored by qualified and recognised accountants who have a wealth of industry and academic experience. our bsc in accounting and finance generates a high and successful level of graduates who enter employment or further training 6 months after graduating (hesa 2018). during the three-year duration of this degree you will discover and explore themes and modules relating to economic principles; the three key areas of accountancy and finance which include financial accounting, management accounting, financial management; economic mathematics and statistics; corporate governance; investment analysis; financial management and accounting; macroeconomics and microeconomics; econometrics. **our graduates have entered and are successful in a number of sectors:** + chartered accountancy; + investment banking; + insurance; + underwriting; + risk management; + marketing management; + retail management; + distribution and logistics management; + sales executive. **what skills will i obtain from this degree?** studying our degree in accounting and finance with economics will equip you with the following skills: + understanding of organisational behaviour and structure; + improved numeracy skills and the ability to research, interpret and use business and financial data; + deep understanding of the causes and effects of economic and other external changes; + the ability to communicate clearly in a written and spoken form; + effective problem solving; + analytical and creative thinking skills; + decision-making; + the ability to work independently and as part of a team; + time-management and organisational skills; + self-motivation and self-reliance.


Start Date


Tuition fees

79,707 .SAR

a level
bbb - ccc

ucas tariff
96 - 120 points

access to he diploma

international baccalaureate diploma programme
26 - 30 points

pearson btec level 3 national extended diploma (first teaching from september 2016)
ddm - mmm

welsh baccalaureate - advanced skills challenge certificate (first teaching september 2015)

a minimum grade c or grade 4 pass in gcse (or equivalent) english or welsh is a requirement for entry to all our degree schemes. business, psychology, mathematics, and science degree schemes also require a minimum grade c or grade 4 pass in mathematics and/or science at gcse (or equivalent).


We help students join any of the following scholarship programs provided by the ministry of education by completing their registration,