Accounting and Finance

Aberystwyth University
Provided by: ucas

Progression Summary

bsc in accounting and finance is a multi-accredited degree which offers you the chance to develop and practise your technical knowledge, skills and expertise while gaining professional recognition from the world’s leading accountancy bodies such as the **acca, cima, icaew, cipfa, cii, icsa**. topics covered include financial reporting, management accounting, corporate finance, taxation, audit and computerised accounting systems. this degree will prepare you for the career in the professions such as: + chartered accountant; + chartered certified accountant; + chartered management accountant; + chartered public finance accountant; + accountant technician. as well as tax advisor, auditor, investment analyst, financial trader, retail banker, economist and actuary.


Start Date


Tuition fees

87,668 .SAR

a level
bbb - ccc

ucas tariff
96 - 120 points

access to he diploma

international baccalaureate diploma programme
26 - 30 points

pearson btec level 3 national extended diploma (first teaching from september 2016)
ddm - mmm

welsh baccalaureate - advanced skills challenge certificate (first teaching september 2015)

a minimum grade c or grade 4 pass in gcse (or equivalent) english or welsh is a requirement for entry to all our degree schemes. business, psychology, mathematics, and science degree schemes also require a minimum grade c or grade 4 pass in mathematics and/or science at gcse (or equivalent).


We help students join any of the following scholarship programs provided by the ministry of education by completing their registration,