Progression Summary
The range of research topics is diverse. They include Biology of ageing; age-related diseases; ageing health and society; technology; nutrition and oral health; and ethics. Increased life expectancy is one of the most notable human achievements of the last century. We are living longer, and our quality of life depends on healthy ageing. Older people are at increased risk of disease and disability. This can seriously affect their quality of life and impact on their families. This is why Newcastle's research and treatment of our ageing population is important for us all. MPhil, PhD and MD supervision is normally available in the following areas BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS OF AGEING: Intrinsic cellular and molecular mechanisms and biomarkers of the ageing process. CLINICAL STUDIES OF AGE-RELATED DISEASES: Experimental medicine and translation of basic science for patient benefits. AGEING HEALTH AND SOCIETY: The social dimensions of population ageing, and health care policy and provision. TECHNOLOGY FOR AN AGEING POPULATION: Research and development of innovative assistive technologies to support independence and quality of life. NUTRITION AND ORAL HEALTH: The role of nutritional factors in healthy ageing and the impacts of oral health. ETHICS, PHILOSOPHY AND ENGAGEMENT: Ethics and principles underlying attempts to improve the quality of later life. This includes working with older people and their representative organisations. For more information about staff specialisms please read about our ageing research. PHARMACY: Our new School of Pharmacy has scientists and clinicians working together on all aspects of pharmaceutical sciences and clinical pharmacy. We will be offering the following PhD projects Drug Delivery Approaches for Improved Treatment of Disease; Targeting Biosynthetic and Regulatory Pathways of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis as Novel Drug Targets; Design, Synthesis and Target Identification of Novel Anti-Tubercular Agents; Activity-Based Chemical Probes for the Profiling of Cytochrome P450s; Development of Novel Silanediol HDAC Inhibitors for the Treatment of Cancer. DELIVERY: Postgraduate research involves two supervisors providing a breadth of expertise in your subject area. As part of the Institute for Ageing, you can attend: seminars; journal clubs; research group discussions. Our Medical Sciences Graduate School has a thriving postgraduate research culture. It also offers support for international students. We have an excellent record for: timely PhD submissions; providing training in professional skills and research techniques; supporting personal development. FACILITIES: You have access to a wide range of facilities dedicated to ageing research. The majority of these are based at the Campus for Ageing and Vitality. They include laboratories and equipment such as Ageing Research Laboratories; Newcastle Biomedical Research Building; Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre; Clinical Ageing Research Unit; Wolfson Research Centre. Find out our more about our ageing research facilities. The Faculty of Medical Sciences also brings together ageing research from across the University.
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