Pre-Master's in Law

Program Summary
prepare to enter a postgraduate law degree at city, university of london – where leaders learn law. the pioneering city law school, formerly inns of court school of law, was the only provider of the bar exam until 1997. four british prime ministers, two ghanaian presidents and mahatma gandhi studied there.

Start Date

End Date

Tuition fees
completion of a minimum of three years of higher education with good grades. previous study in a relevant academic discipline or relevant industry experience may be required for admission to specialised postgraduate courses.
you must obtain ukvi ielts 6.0 (with a minimum of 5.5 in all subskills) or equivalent.

Start Date

End Date

Tuition fees
completion of a minimum of three years of higher education with good grades. previous study in a relevant academic discipline or relevant industry experience may be required for admission to specialised postgraduate courses.
you must obtain ukvi ielts 5.5 (with a minimum of 5.0 in all subskills) or equivalent. please note that you will need to have taken a ukvi selt for a student visa if you meet that requirement, but into are also able to accept other english language qualifications equivalent to ukvi ielts b2 (5.5 overall and 5.5 in all subskills) or above. for more information on accepted qualifications please see: