Graduate Pathway in Public Administration
Program Summary
students who successfully complete a graduate pathway program in public administration are assured progression to a nationally-ranked uab graduate degree program upon submission of additional required application materials. after successfully completing the pathway program, you are guaranteed to enter the graduate degree program. this transition to university from an into program is called progression.
Start Date
End Date
Tuition fees
Start Date
End Date
Tuition fees
4-year bachelor's degree or equivalent; 2.5 undergraduate gpa
toefl 65, ielts 5.5, ptea 46, duolingo 95, toefl essentials 7.0, completion of academic english level 4
Public Administration (MPA)
English level %: 80% Minimum in all required ELI courses.Minimum 3.0 GPA in graduate level courses.
B or better in all courses.