Graduate Pathway - Data Science (Non-Background Program)
Program Summary
our graduate pathway in sata science (non-background program) will prepare you to enter your next semester of a master's degree program at the university of alabama at birmingham. after successfully completing the pathway program, you are guaranteed to enter your next semester of study. this transition to university from an into program is called progression.
Start Date
End Date
Tuition fees
Start Date
End Date
Tuition fees
4-year bachelor's degree or equivalent in engineering or related field; 2.5 undergraduate gpa; previous coursework required: calculus i, calculus ii
toefl 80, ielts 6.5, ptea 56, duolingo 120, toefl essentials 8.5
Data Science (MSc)
English level %: 80% minimum in all required ELI courses.Minimum 3.0 GPA in graduate level courses.
B or better in all courses. No grades of I or W permitted.
Data Science (MSc)
English level %: 80% minimum in all required ELI coursesMinimum 3.0 GPA in the pathway program
No grades below a B
Start Date
End Date
Tuition fees
Start Date
End Date
Tuition fees
Start Date
End Date
Tuition fees
4-year bachelor's degree or equivalent; 2.5 undergraduate gpa; students will be admitted with the condition that they successfully place into calculus i via uab's math placement exam. when they confirm, they will be prompted to take the math placement exam and must earn a 76/100 to be fully admitted to the program and issued an i-20.
toefl 65, ielts 5.5, ptea 46, duolingo 95, toefl essentials 7.0, completion of academic english level 4
Data Science (MSc)
English level %: 80% minimum in all required ELI courses.Minimum 3.0 GPA in graduate level courses.
B or better in all courses. No grades of I or W permitted.
Data Science (MSc)
English level %: 80% minimum in all required ELI coursesMinimum 3.0 GPA in the pathway program
No grades below a B