Ancient History extended degree

University of Roehampton
Provided by: ucas

Progression Summary

The extended degree programmes include a foundation year, which will provide you with a sound introduction to key elements needed for studying Ancient History at degree level. Our extended degree programme will provide you with a thorough and supportive academic preparation for study. The foundation year is carefully designed to build confidence in your abilities, develop essential academic and study skills, and provide you with the subject specific knowledge essential for success. This degree in ancient history concentrates on the study of the social, cultural, political, military and religious histories of ancient Greece and Rome, whilst considering their place in the wider world between Europe, Asia and Africa. You will learn about the many different sources and themes, methods and theories of the writing of ancient history and you also have the opportunity to study ancient Greek and Latin. On this course you can study modules covering a range of ancient history and historiography, go on trips to London’s museums or a study trip abroad, or even choose to spend one term studying at a university overseas. You will be encouraged to develop your skills as a historian through active participation in all modules. In class sessions, you will have many opportunities to discuss ideas, explore your interpretations and present your own theories, as well as engaging critically with scholarly debates. You will be supported throughout the course to develop your critical and analytical skills when interpreting ancient evidence and scholarly debates and will also benefit from individual tutorials when preparing written assignments.


Start Date


Tuition fee

0 .SAR

UCAS Tariff
64 points


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