Accounting and Finance

Oxford Brookes University
Provided by: ucas

Progression Summary

our msc accounting and finance balances technical accounting and finance knowledge with practical skills. you are taught in small interactive groups by experts from the professions as well as leading researchers in the field. throughout this course, you can: - gain up to 7 exemptions from the acca - acquire professional and digital skills to prepare you for your career - develop a thorough understanding of financial and management accounting - explore how different financial markets, banks and foreign exchange operate - appreciate broader issues including corporate social responsibility - engage with our guest speakers such as the deputy chair of kpmg and managers from grant thornton, icaew. our students have gone on to work with prestigious global organisations such as pwc, deloitte, oxfam, uk civil service and huawei, and have careers such as accountant, auditor, tax official, banking operational officer and financial analyst.


Start Date


Tuition fees

81,058 .SAR



Start Date


Tuition fees

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