Applied Sport and Exercise Sciences (Sport Psychology)
Progression Summary
the psychology of sport is an ever expanding area that looks to establish a way of enhancing athlete, player and other high performing groups outcomes. this is done through an evidence based approach informed by research to allow practitioners to meet those aims. our msc puts you at the forefront of this process and immerses you into sport psychology in a supportive and challenging way. you begin by examining theory and research within sport psychology and then move onto looking at ways of applying that theory as a researcher and potential practitioner. you finish your degree with a period in the work place assisting relevant groups with performance enhancement and researching a topic that will hopefully give you the chance to contribute to the body of literature within sport psychology to inform future practices. you will learn the theoretical underpinning of sport psychology practice before going on to consider how this is implemented, first of all within a classroom environment and then within a real sports setting. the research component of the course initially gives you the necessary tools of measurement to make an informed decision on how would you like to go about gathering data for a larger project within an area that you find interesting within sport psychology. the learning on this course is designed to ensure that each term follows on from the previous one to allow for a seamless transition from graduate on entry to fully fledged postgraduate on exit.

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Start Date

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