Applied Human Nutrition
Progression Summary
Applied Human Nutrition is a practical, research driven master course. It details the science behind the nutritional requirements of humans from pre-conception to old age. Poor nutrition is causing increasing public health problems in all sectors and ages. This is especially clear among the young and the elderly. On this course you will examine: - the specific problems of global nutrition and the implications for public health - the provision of food and nutrients to the body, facilitating optimum physical and mental development and health maintenance. Our Oxford Centre for Nutrition and Health (OxBCNH) is the UK's first research centre dedicated to functional foods. The Centre has excellent links with the food industry. As part of your research project you will have opportunities to work with the Oxford Centre for Nutrition and Health. You can get involved with cutting edge research that helps the government and food industry develop new products with specific health and nutritional benefits.
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Tuition fee
Start Date
Tuition fee
Start Date
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