Animation (with Foundation Year)
Progression Summary
This extended four-year course is perfect if you want a degree in animation and illustration but you don’t have the standard qualifications. First we prepare you for your degree during your Foundation year, bringing you up to speed with academic skills and a firm grounding in the subject. Then you can go on to do the full undergraduate degree in animation and illustration. Over the four years, we give you both the guidance and the independence you need to express your artistic vision with confidence and quality. We combine the best of digital with the best of handmade animation, ensuring that you’ll leave the course with an excellent portfolio that demonstrates the widest range of skills. Your portfolio will feature your own animated short film, your responses to commercial briefs, character and concept designs, storyboards and illustration work. Each year, you’ll learn skills that build on your previous learning, with a course structure that encourages your artistic independence while covering the broadest range of animation techniques. You’ll develop a visual language through illustration workshops and apply this to your animation work, finding your own balance between the two complementary disciplines. Everything will be geared for you to produce the quality and originality of work to mark you out in a crowded and vibrant industry.
Start Date
Tuition fee