Ancient History

Durham University
Provided by: Study group

Progression Summary

if you are fascinated by the history of the greeks and romans, this is the course for you. we will introduce you to the world of ancient greece and rome, and their interactions with each other and other mediterranean societies. in your first year you will focus on core topics in greek and roman history, at different points in their history. this will prepare you for a wide range of more specific historical modules about politics, culture and society in the ancient world in your second and third years. at least half of your course in your second and third years will concentrate on historical topics. the course includes the option to start learning greek or latin, and if you have prior knowledge of these languages you can choose to study higher level modules. and if you wish, you can broaden your degree by selecting modules about ancient art, literature, science or philosophy, or by choosing other topics that interest you from other departments.


Start Date


Tuition fees

132,685 .SAR


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