Advanced Musculoskeletal (MSK) Practice
Progression Summary
This programme has been designed with partners in clinical practice to further develop healthcare professional's expert musculoskeletal knowledge and skills by improving the translation of evidence into practice, promoting critical thinking and advanced clinical reasoning whilst adapting to different environments and considering the needs of diverse populations and communities. Students will develop specialist skills to enable them to deliver safe, effective, person-centred care to people presenting with complex musculoskeletal conditions. Students will develop knowledge and skills in education, leadership and research and work towards application in a clinical and organisational context. They will have the opportunity to complete mentored clinical practice in order to consolidate and apply theoretical knowledge within an out-patient clinic or enhanced or advanced practice environment. This will give students the opportunity to expand their skills in a variety of healthcare settings. This programme aims to meet the NHS Health Education Advanced Practice (AP) Musculoskeletal curriculum and capabilities framework and offers a route for physiotherapists to gain Musculoskeletal First Contact Practitioner (FCP) status and membership of the Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists (MACP). Students will study on a part time basis, and will normally take a minimum of 3 academic years, maximum 5 academic years to complete the full award. The part time route is flexible but registered, on course students, must study a minimum of 20 credits in each academic year.
Start Date
Tuition fee
Start Date
Tuition fee