Advanced Clinical Practice Apprenticeship

Edge Hill University
Provided by: ucas

Progression Summary

Advanced clinical practitioners (ACPs) offer multiple benefits to health and social care sector. An apprenticeship in advanced clinical practice will allow you to gain valuable on the job learning while remaining in full time employment. You will undertake 180 credits of modules at Masters level and will be equipped to deliver, sustain and enhance safe, professional and ethical quality of care across health and care services in your field of practice. The degree is underpinned by the four pillars of advanced clinical practice: clinical practice, leadership and management, education and research. To support this academic journey, apprentices undertake 20% of their clinical time in classroom-based teaching within the University. All apprentices get a bespoke pathway which takes them from every day clinical practice to working as autonomous practitioners. This is supported by tripartite reviews between the student, university and employer, which is a unique feature of the apprenticeship.


Start Date


Tuition fee

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