Actor Musician

Leeds Conservatoire
Provided by: ucas

Progression Summary

Leeds Conservatoire's Actor Musicianship programme offers practical training for actors with instrumental skill. Through practical skills training in Acting, Music, Movement, Spoke and Sung Voice and Performance-based Research you will develop the skills to be a highly employable, multi-disciplinary storyteller. Training as an Actor Musician in a conservatoire environment puts you in a unique position. You will benefit from the teaching expertise of the music conservatoire, working with 1:1 instrumental teachers and the industry professional team delivering the BA Acting programme. Training is physical, practical and demands consistent creativity. You are required to be fearless, as you acquire new skills and challenge those you arrived with. Training includes ensemble skills classes, 1:1 instrumental lessons, music ensembles, skills in context, seminars and rehearsals; culminating in a final year season of performance that serves as your industry introduction. The programme celebrates individualism. You will develop your acting and music skills alongside your individual artistry, practically exploring ways of sustaining a portfolio career as a multi-disciplinary artist. We actively encourage cross programme collaboration with artists from other disciplines throughout your training, supporting our ambition for students to establish a creative network in training, originate live performance and carry both into the profession. Throughout training, students are given the opportunity to collaborate with theatre companies and leading artists in the region developing new live performance.


Start Date


Tuition fee

144,589 .SAR

A level

UCAS Tariff
96 points

Scottish Higher

Access to HE Diploma

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma (first teaching from September 2016)

Leaving Certificate - Higher Level (Ireland) (first awarded in 2017)


We help students join any of the following scholarship programs provided by the ministry of education by completing their registration,